As soon as the clock hits 1:30 am sharp, the American electro-pop band appears on stage. By this time, the dancing floor is pretty much filled with fans. In less than five seconds, the whole vibe is shifted to party-mode.
They play It's Not Over, and when the song is finally over (I know, a bit contradictory), they greet the audience.
They play It's Not Over, and when the song is finally over (I know, a bit contradictory), they greet the audience.
They seem utterly humble and easygoing. Also their attitude is very friendly. They haven't been "rockstarized" yet, but the show-goers are boosting their egos. When they play my favorite, Hold My Breath, I begin feeling more and more euphoric. Suddenly I start realizing that this day will be truly special.
They play Hold On, I close my eyes... for one moment I feel complete. I'm enjoying the present, nothing more, nothing less, a perfect way to crown this busy week of work… Carpe Diem!
If I have to choose a hit from their stuff, it'd be Wait And See. As soon as they hit the first key, people go wild dancing. I scream, and so does the rest of the audience. When you get a crowd chanting onomatopoeias, you just KNOW you have a hit.
Just push play if you wanna get an idea of the wild atmosphere at the gig that night. The video was recorded by my friend @nicolasdeppe.
The guys feel at home, Alex starts smoking a cigarette, totally needed after all that extasy...
Holy Ghost! is a duo consisting of Nick Millhiser and Alex Frankel, but when they play live shows such as this, they need four more musicians for instruments and synths. They carry out a fantastic live show. Six guys playing with precise coordination. Every man doing his own thing, but his own contribution to this "Swiss clockwork". Impressive.
The show is coming to an end. They'll finish with Jam For Jerry and leave us waiting for their DJ set later… but NO, they are not done yet, they come back for an encore. The funny thing is that they play Wait And See again, due to the lack of possible choices; they already played the whole set of songs from their debut homonym album. The onlookers won't let them play anything but the hit, and it's great. As soon as it ends, the the whole audience keeps on chanting.
Around me I don't see an ocean of people, but a bunch of real music lovers, who are enjoying their regular dose of musical pleasure in a world filled with disappointing sounds. A group of rare black sheep, where being part of the crowd is the default and only the nonconformists attain real passion for music… I'm glad to be part of them.
Having bands such as this one in the end of the world, aka Chile, is only possible thanks to Club Fauna, the first enterprise to take the risk of bringing up and coming indie bands here. Click on the logo for further details about its vision and mission statements.
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